The Autonomic nervous system is made up of the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system. Think of these systems working together and maintaining a balance that impacts every part of your body! Heart frequency, heart capacity, lumbar function, kidneys, blood vessels, stomach and intestines are just a few examples.
The sympathetic nervous system pushes where the parasympathetic function is more relaxed. The sympathetic chain nervous connects to skin, blood vessels and organs in the body cavity and is located on both sides of the spine which consists of ganglias.
Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system most notably kicks in gear during emergency situations that cause stress and requires us to “fight” or take “flight”, as well as non-emergency situations that allow us to “rest” and “digest”. The autonomic nervous system also provides maintenance of normal internal functions and works with the somatic nervous system. When the body reacts to signals such as danger, it is the sympathetic ganglia that performs functions such as widening the lungs for more oxygen, reduces desire to consume food, sends blood to the brain and increases heart rate.
Nervous System

Above is a common picture of the sympathetic nervous system and inner connections. You can see that how complicated the sympathetic chain is and how difficult Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathicothomy is! This is not a matter to be taken lightly!
Sandy says
For those of you sweating from the thighs up…AKA ALL OVER…ask your doctor to test you for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Someone here, I believe Dianne, said they feel better laying down…..hallmark trait of POTS.
I have been sweating 10 years now (thank god waterproof makeup exists now!) and was just diagnosed with Hyperadrenic POTS. It causes high blood pressure, profuse sweating, tachycardia, muscle weakness, shortness of breath WHILE STANDING/WITH ANY EXERTION AT ALL like walking to the bathroom, showering, climbing a few stairs etc.
Please, see your doctor, you my get cured of the sweating! Pots isn’t curable though, it’s a syndrome caused by an underlying condition so you’ll have lots if testing ahead of you BUT they CAN successfully manage symptoms including the sweating.
I hope I was able to help someone!
Liane says
Hi, I have a disease called RSD (Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy). It’s a severe chronic pain disorder that kicked in when I severed my ulnar nerve in my left elbow. As you may have noted in the name of this, it affects the Sympathetic nervous system. One of its symptoms is excessive sweating. Well, I consider mine to be extreme (as I’m sure many of you do). After I shower and dry off, I start sweating instantly. I don’t even have a few seconds of any kind of dryness. I have water running down my back. It runs down my face. Under my breast and between them and the groin area, are never dry. I am constantly wiping my face off, this kills me because I can’t wear any makeup so of course my self-esteem is lacking. I feel like I smell. I’m 51 and would love to start dating, but, I’m mortified to even try. It’s gotten so bad that I have to put the air cond. on in my car in the dead of winter. I get so depressed at times. I feel helpless. Anyone that can offer any suggestions, or where/how I can get some help with this. Any remedies you have tried that seem to work or at least help a bit. I would appreciate it if you could share ANYTHING!!!!! I’m getting sooooo desperate.
Thanks a Bunch
Ginney says
I have had this excess sweating for 15 years. as soon as I do any work or exercise. If I sit or lay I’m fine, but just climbing stairs I sweat from my head, face, chest, and back, my clothes get soaked. Will try anything!
Stephen says
I used cocaine for 8 years. Before that I was in perfect physical condition and could run 20 miles with sweating a bit. Now my sympathetic nervous system is in full speed all the time and I sweat like a pig even when I take the garbage out. I cannot do physical work anymore without suffering from extreme exhaustion ten seconds after starting. Does anyone know if there is some help for this. All my fault, all my fault.
Dyanna says
Sweaty D!
First off, I want to thank you sooo much for your brave and rational approach to this mysterious condition. Which like yourself, I too suffer from, hands, feet and armpits. I have had my hyper-hydrosis for as long as I can remember. Yeah, it bothers me. Yeah, I hate shaking or holding hands with others or high-fiving for that matter. Those that don’t have this condition or know about it, don’t seem to understand nor care.
So, you KNOW what! They can get lost. I was born this condition, I cannot control it. I can change it with ETS, but I’ll get CS elsewhere. Which to me, is worse. So, I just have to embrace my sweaty self and adapt to different situations.
I’m still an awesome person and very able. Matter of fact! The next job interview I have, I will be courageous enough to forewarn the interviewer about my condition. (This way, I’m not dreading and thinking about the handshake after the interview, rather than selling myself) It’s better to be honest with people about it, because in the end I would rather you know about me as a person and my strengths. And if you choose not to give me the job or a 2nd date because of my sweaty palms. Oh freaking well! There are people out there who will understand and appreciate me.
“It makes ME/US special almost, so i tell myself.” I totally agree, I feel as though, in an odd sort of way that my hyper-hydrosis makes me unique. (Call me crazy, I guess)
“(YOU) I have to adapt and be consistent in order to overcome this.” And yes! YOU truly have to adapt and strengthen your resolve to not let this stupid condition control your life.
Thanks Sweaty D! You made my day 🙂
Kim says
Thank you so much for sharing Sweaty D!!! I can’t tell you the comfort I feel knowing I’m not alone!
Sweaty D says
hey there,
I am 31 years old. wow I’ve made it this long! it started as a young teen, researching and testing all the products that lead to unsatisfactory results. I felt like a lab rat. my life was(is) always a challenge when dealing with this hyperhidrosis. I was affected in the feet, hands and armpits at first. I t was bad, dripping from the hands. you could see the moisture visibly. ounces of it.
Yes, it led me to stress, lack of social, sports, anger, communication failure, drinking, drugs, relocating to colder climates and more. However, i dealt with it and made decisions that led me to believe it was meant to be and i had to deal with it. Its difficult to explain to others the symptoms, as others always say they sweat too. hahaha yah that’s comforting. no one wants to sweat like this.
I decided in 1999 to have the ETS and felt this was the last resort of solving this. NOPE! — i continued to be a successful college student, playing sports, making friends and living life. However, it wasn’t easy.
The ETS made the symptoms 100% worse. I began to sweat from chest down, legs, groin, back, face. so visible that it was almost un-human like. I was that small percentage that would fail to make the sweating stop. o-yeah but my hands did not sweat. so now i could shake hands with comfort. What the ?0&#, it almost was less stressful before i had this surgery. I decided 3 months later to take the clamps off. The doctor said the nerves were damaged and there seems to be a 1% chance you will…………will what i asked. BE the same. BE normal….. But, i continued to live the life i love & love the life i live.
Yes, i changed clothes daily. I sat next to the AC all the time. I would walk down the street and find myself dripping. my body temp was always HOT! I couldn’t enjoy the many things others seemed to enjoy so easily. (if you know what i mean) the smallest things seemed over analyzed and i could never commit to a full enjoyment of a party, date, dinner, presentation, sitting and watching tv and more. OK, so this might seem like i’m complaining. YES I AM! for the first time in my life i am able to write this and tell others it’s ok. life goes on. I still had FUN!
i just had to allow myself to overcome the fear of sweating and realizing i dont care anymore what people think.(its hard trust me) I am now 31 and have the secondary condition of hyperhidrosis for 20 years. Some symptoms have increased drastically over the years. In the last few weeks my hands have began to sweat like when i was a young teen. Yah i sweat. so what. I wear nothing but dri fit clothing. Black majority of the time to compensate the visual of the sweating. i change regularly. I use towels daily. I cant be in motion without taking my time or having an escape route b/c movement activates the glands instantly. However, i am a successful human being. I have adapted. I have a family(wife and kids) that understands ME and supports the decisions WE make together when the sweating affects me(us).
It’s hard, but life is. It makes ME/US special almost, so i tell myself. I have not told many friends, hell its hard to keep friends that understand this condition, as they all say they sweat. yah you sweat, but I am drenched! (yet i tell myself no-one will really understand). So i am writing in hopes to find others or maybe understand that it has been 10+ years and medical treatments could be different and more affective. I exercise, work and eat daily. I SWEAT every minute of the day, and i cant control it. I finally have opened up and expressed my feelings and concerns to some. Its difficult to talk about, b/c its not common.
The sweating symptoms have cause kidney stones, depression, dehydration and more. (YOU) I have to adapt and be consistent in order to overcome this. Drink water regularly, ya i will sweat more but whats a few more drops of water off the skin, right. this helps with the functioning of my organs and more. I carry extra clothes to work, and have certain foods i eat in comfort and other foods that cant eat in public b/c it makes me sweat heavy in the face. Everyone is different so adapt to the condition the best way you can. If you can relate to my words/testimony almost, please reply or provide assistance.
I am eager to fight this condition and/or help others who are willing to listen. Thank you again for your time and consideration! And Keep on SWEATING my fellow hyperhidrosos friends! Although i have never met anyone with this condition, or someone who had the ETS. MUCH LOVE!
Donna says
OMG so glad i am not alone. Iam a 42 year old female and its getting worse with age. Hands and feet are my big issue. I am ruining shoes as they are soaking wet by the end of the day. Im noticing my face is now breaking out in a sweat when i am embarassed or nervous. Ive had hypnotherapy which has helped me remain calmish but the sweating still happens. It cant purely be a nervous condition. Its ridiculous and im over it. I am in Australia so not confident of finding that herbal tea but will try. Next stop is to GP again to see what he can offer even if its for times when i know i will need help ie; meeting clients, job interviews.
Saira says
I have problem of sweating any time only not sleeping time
But my hands and feet and palms too sweating at the time of nervous. Please. Send me solution of that problem
sy says
I’ve suffered with excessive sweating since I was a teen. As I age it is getting worse. My scalp, face, armpits, chest and groin sweat to the point that it is clearly visible through my clothing. Nothing sexier than a sweaty crotch huh? I’m glad to know I’m not alone but I would like to know if anyone has any info on the teas. I won’t go the mediinal route because it seems to have too many side effect and I know the deodorants cause me skin irritation. Anyone have any real answers?
HH Mom says
My 18 year old son takes glycopyrrolate (Robinul) 6 mg each morning and another 2 mg in the evening if necessary. He also uses Drysol anti-perspirant. He finds this combo of treatments very effective for hyperhidrosis which for him was severe. We decided against surgery since many people online said CS was a problem. My son hasn’t tried botox and probably won’t since his current treatment is working well, is non-invasive, minimal side effects in his case, and very inexpensive (generic drug copays via health insurance). He used iontophoresis in the past (Drionic) but found it too time-consuming for a teenager and the other methods work better for him.
T.C. says
I have been cursed with this problem all my life. I am 39. I have have it bad, as it affects, my underarms, my hands, my feet, my head (yes my head, when I wake up in the morning, my hair looks like I just got out of the shower), and the most embarrassing place, my butt!
I have tried clinical deodorants, loose clothing, wicking socks and clothing, botox, pills (herbal), and a few other things but none worked completely. My Insurance was HMO and would not cover the pills that drys out everything but I was finally able to switch to a “real” Doctor so hopefully that will change.
In the meantime I wanted to try the tea. All of the responses are about people buying it but no one has posted back stating if it worked. Would like to no how it is working for everyone.
Phil Foster says
I’m very relieved to see so many others going through what I’ve been going through as well for the past 22 years of my life. My armpits are completely fine, its my hands and feet that give me a problem. I’m not as concerned with my feet as I just wear moisture wicking socks to help stray away the sweat, but my hands are always sweaty at inopportune times.
I see on here that to some it happens all the time, and to others not so much. For me it is definitely a physiological problem because I will get nervous out of nowhere for very simple things not to my own wishing of course. It is only when I am completely confident that my hands are not sweaty…and even then they can get sweaty in a matter of seconds if I am caught off guard.
I’m ordering the herbal tea tonight and hope very much so that it has a positive effect!
Hope says
I have been suffering from the same problem ( hands and feet) for as long as I can remember. It usually only happens when I’m nervous and at the most inopportune times. So I finally decided to try and find a cure. But before I try ets I’m gonna give hushed sea a shot. I ordered it this past Monday and it came in last night. About 3 days for delivery.
I drank a glass as soon as I got it and one this morning. I don’t see any results thus far but I know it takes a little while. The first glass was hard to drink on account of it tasting like crap. The second went easier cause I chugged it. I’m wondering if drinking it iced with a little flavoring takes away from its medicinal qualities. Does any body know? Or have any suggestions? My hh isn’t too severe but has enough of an impact to effect my personal and professional life. thanks for the support. I’ll keep ya posted
rohan says
Hi All,
Give it a shot for Classical homeopathic tretament.May be it can help.Its a long process but will work.Hope for the best.
ana says
Hi kiesha,
I have this terrible problem, please where did you buy the Hushed sea tea?
This is an emergency!!!!!
Hate_ETS says
7-30-10: I had ETS surgery six years ago due to facial blushing.
This surgery was the WORST decision in my life. PLEASE – anyone considering it, DON’T DO IT!!
The CS side effects will make your life miserable. My energy level and endurance have gone down, and I feel I have became fatigue a lot more often. I used to be an avid athlete (primarily roller skater). My days of skating were over soon after surgery. I’d soak in sweat just 15 minutes into my rigid work out. I switched to ice skating – after all, the temperature in ice rink is cool, and I get to cover my body with a jacket (another layer to cover the damn embarrassing sweating).
I eventually started having chest pain (I guess the cold sweat-soaked cloth?), so I stopped ice skating as well. Since then, I have lost most of my muscle tone and gained weight. Note I was in excellent shape prior the ETS surgery. My closet had also gone through a major change – all skin tight and/or light color clothing had to go (well, at least my sister was thrilled).
Over the past few years, I have learned to monitor the weather on daily basis, planning ahead what clothes to wear each day. I am lucky to work in AC’d office environment (even tho stressful and uncomfortable situations make me break down in sweat, primarily on my chest and back). I always liked black color, but now I am “forced” to wear it most of the times (it does cover the sweat the best).
I started working out again, but I must wear a tight shirt with a lose one on the top. I used to love dancing – cannot do it all that much anymore. Walk outside on a sunny day had become very dreadful for me, etc, etc, etc….!!
My fiancee is very understanding and tolerates my problem. We are getting married and our big day is being planned for April. I always envisioned June/July wedding, but that would be a nightmare. This weekend I will be shopping for that special wedding dress. I am becoming extremely anxious, because, under normal circumstances I’d love to have a strapless dress with my back exposed – well, this is not possible because my back gets moist when I get even just a little nervous. So, once again, I gotta hide and cover myself. I hate this soooo much. I wish I could wake up out of this nightmare…
So today I heard about the Hushed Sea Herbal tea. “The herbs in Hushed Sea (Valarian Root, Astragalus, St. John’s Wort, Sage) have a long history of use in western and eastern medicine combating excessive sweating.” Tomorrow morning I am heading to Whole Foods store. I hope they have the tea. I would order it online, but don’t want to wait. I really hope this “magic” tea will help control CS. Will keep you posted.
Good luck to you all!
Eric says
Yeah I been dealing with this for some time also. the palmar version of this is horrible because when you want to hold your girlfriends hand or shake a girls hand that you meet they give you a funny look and treat you different due to this. But I recently tried the hushed tea. I only had it for a day but most of my night sweats and head sweating has stopped! My palmar however is still occurring but i expect it to go away. So don’t worry, I know how you feel. I know their are worse issues but it doesn’t feel that way to us, does it?
Artist says
I’m just back from Brazil where I had surgery by [link removed] for my compensatory sweating (CS). He was able to cure my upper body, from the waist up. I had T2 and T3 cut in 2004 and my hands and feet became dry but CS began right away and increased in severity over the next 5 yrs..I’ve read this can be common. It can also diminish after 5 yrs from surgery.
I still have CS on my legs, currently it is a little more severe that before but the Dr’s other patients did not get a good read on the results for 1-6 months after. [snip] does not cut the ganglia but takes the time to cut further away from the spine yielding less side fx as the ganglia is left intact. I am able to sweat from my head during exercise only and asked to keep that as I like the feeling….and I still have that.
I found [snip] to be an extremely caring and skilled surgeon and recommend him to all of you if you choose surgery as a solution. He has developed techniques to cure armpit, facial blushing, palmer, and auxiliary hyperhydrosis with little or no CS. He is the true pioneer in this area. I wish I had found him for my original surgery.
If my lower half’s CS does not improve with time I will seek a solution with him. There is hope there. Right now the technique needs some work to avoid sexual side effects and still give the body some sweating as it is a necessary bodily function. I have faith there will be more advances here, meanwhile I will be patient.
I came across this study from a different doctor. He surgically treated a patient and cured his CS on his entire body. I am going to contact this doctor and see get more details about side fx and follow up results.
[link removed]
So there is hope. I share with all of you the mental anguish this as caused me. For me it started with armpits and then moved to hands and feet, mostly hands. I wish I had tried botox on the hands or met [snip] as his surgical solution would have far less chance of CS. But what can you do? I refuse to let this bring me down and will continue to search for solutions. Thanks to all of you for posting your experiences here.
Note from moderator: We receive a number of comments by websites trying to promote their product or service by including links. This testimonial contained multiple links and were removed. This comment may or may not be legitimate. – as the Artist pointed out, it can take years before you know the result of treatment, and recommending the procedure immediately after treatment is jumping the gun.
Barbie says
I have noticed that the older I get, the more I am sweating, and in every place that you can sweat from! I used to be plagued with sweaty hands & feet only, but now it’s hands, feet, underarms, face, neck, head, and a whole lot in the groin area. I, too, would like to know what to do about the ‘area down there’!! Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!
Julie says
I had sympathetic surgery when I was 25 and have had compensatory sweating ever since. My crotch is especially effected, which is terrifying to me that it will be noticed. In the summer I wear 2-3 pair of underwear. I can’t wear dresses or skirts, because the back will get soaked if I sit for more than 10 minutes. I also have the problem on my whole torso, but not as bad. I haven’t seen any comments with anyone having the same problem. Does anyone know of some strategies for dealing with sweating from the crotch? I thought about botox there but I’ve read it can create compensatory sweating & I’m afraid or where my next sweaty area will be. 😮
Thank you all for sharing!
Keith B says
I have a major problem with facial sweating. I dread my job interviews, because in the middle of a great answer to a question, Niagra Falls start to gush out of my head. I can’t take it anymore. I am going to try the Hushed Sea Herbal Tea. I don’t know what else to do.
YY says
I have been drinking the tea for almost a week and so far it is working. My sweat levels have decreased significantly. I would say 75%. I have had excessive palmar hyperdrosis since I was little but the Hushed Sea Tea might be the miracle to naturally cure sweaty hand/sfeet. I’ll keep you guys posted.
vannah says
I have a 13 year daughter who has suffered from this condition since she was a toddler. It started with her hands and then her feet. When she started puberty and sweating it then became a problem with her armpits.
Over the counter clinical strength deodorant does seem to be helping the armpit issue for now. She has used xerac for her hands and feet over the years. It has worked at times but seems to not be doing anything at all anymore. She is a great basketball player and her skills are suffering due to her hands.
We are in Michigan and she is dreading flip flop season because that is what everyone wears. She has to make sure she has some sort of fabric bottom for when she is at school or goes any where. The cheap plastic ones make it look like she hasn’t washed her feet in days because of all the sweat absorbing all the dirt.
I googled the surgery and the University of Michigan had a video of the procedure, see link below:
U of M Surgical Procedure for Hyperhidrosis
It looks like a lot more than what I want but of course she is all for it. Anything to stop the sweating. I am going to order the tea and see how it goes. I will let everyone know if it works or not. She does however feel better knowing she is not alone with this condition and that it does have a name.
munchichi says
I am so glad I am not the only one with this problem. I have Sweaty Hands, Feet and Armpits!! It is very embarrassing, especially as a woman. People starting thinking that black was my favorite color because that’s the only color I’d ever wear because of my sweaty armpits. I constantly have to wear shoes with straps because I can’t wear stilettos because my feet would slide off. And my hands keep sweating to the point where I have to constantly wipe my hands with the clothes I wear. 🙁
I did some research and saw some methods you can do to prevent the excessive sweating but I am more interested in this Hushed Sea Herbal Tea. I’m so tempted on ordering it but I want to hear some feedbacks about it first. Especially if it is safe to take and if there are any side effects to it. I read about the herbals it contains and they seem to be safe on their own but combined together? That could be a different story. So… hopefully someone out there would provide some info. of their experience with the product. And if so… I hope it’s all good news!!! ^^
Barbie says
I’m desperate! I have tried so many things- soaking hands/ feet in tea, Drisol, Robinul (loved at first, but started having stomach trouble from it and HORRIBLE dry mouth and eyes), and last week I had Botox injected into my armpits. I’m desperate for hand/ feet relief and seriously considering that Hushed Sea tea. I’m eager to read some feedback. So far I haven’t been able to find any. HELP??!!
Brabski says
I’ve been using Levsin (generic hyocyamine) for over 20 years. It provides an overall drying out of the body and works great to eliminate/reduce sweating. Side effects are dry mouth and eyes, but a small price to pay for relief. Only dermatologists that specialize in hyperhidrosis will know about this drug, your basic skin oriented derm will not.
simone says
I’ve found that Botox works wonders for about 6 mos, then you need another injection. That’s for axillary hyperhidrosis – when I have it, I don’t sweat at all from my armpits, and had no compensatory sweating either. I’m going to try the sage tea this time around, however. Botox is a toxin, after all.
kiesha says
Someone mention trying the Hushed Tea. I just placed an order, I should be receiving it within 1 week. I will let everyone know how that works out. I too suffer from really bad sweating everywhere on my body. My hands would start sweating then my feet. Then My nerves would start to over re-act causing me to sweat all over. This is a serious condition.
For years I thought that I was the only 1 having this problem. Thanks to everyone who posted a comment, letting me know that am not alone!
Fed up says
Wow it’s great to read everyone’s comments on this problem, here was me thinking that I’m the only one in the world that suffers from excessive sweating, it interferes with every aspect of my life, social and working especially, i have to leave the dance floor half way through a song to go to the bathroom, nobody understands why, people have started noticing and they ask if I’m OK and i always say that i’m fine, for me it’s my face, chest and back that give me the most grief, my face especially, any tips and answers would be greatly appreciated thanks
Artist says
Don’t get ETS!! i did and worst decision of my life. If you’ve tried everything and want ETS make sure you use the clamp method and if you get severely sweaty from the nipple line down to your feet after….get the clamps off right away. This is called compensatory sweating (CS) google that and read everything.
There is no way to tell if it will be severe…most all people get it…recent studies show up to half get it severely. Don’t believe your doctor that getting cut is the best way to go like i did. It has dramatically changed my life, drugs don’t help. I will not give up however and am looking at all options. Reversal is difficult and not usually successful in those who had the cut method. If you are looking for a righteous doctor to consult see Dr Reisfeld in LA…this is not an ad for him he is just the best one I’ve spoken with and visited with, and he does the clamp method only, he is also the leader in reversal.
I’ve also spoken with a doctor in Brazil he cuts more of the ganglia to stop the sweating in the upper body for those with CS….again very new and of course messing with the sympathetic chain is not advised. I’m going to try reversal first.
One thing that may help those with CS in the future is finding a way to return sweat to the head (heat rises and is “capped” when head sweating stops with ETS) I’ve noticed I can sweat from the head when I eat spicy food or put hot sauce on chewing gum…a little uncomfortable but I notice the CS stops for a while…maybe an artificial nerve stimulation device could be created to create this reaction …like the Vegas nerve stimulator implant.
There is also clothing that can help direct perspiration away from the body and through the fabric so that it evaporate fast. Try two layers. At least it evaporates and is not as noticeable. I’ve also heard of spraying clothes with Scotch Guard on the inside. I have not tried this. ….
Don’t give up!! keep positive… it’s just water.
Aaron says
Hey Everyone,
Thought I’d add my personal experiences in dealing with Hyperhidrosis here…
I have tried EVERYTHING (trust me) to treat my palmar/plantar HH (hands & feet) and the only thing that has worked is glycopyrrolate. The side effects include severe dry mouth & throat and occasional blurred vision (if you take a lot) but I am at least able to function in a corporate environment and not be constantly annoyed with my sweating, as you can anticipate meetings, etc and just take water w/ you. I’ve been taking it for around 5 years or so.
Take care everyone and don’t let HH ruin your life!
Chance the gardener says
I have such a difficult time at work or if I’m going for a job interview or at the grocery store or just sitting down calmly at home watching TV with the fan directly on me. If it’s a job interview I try sitting in my car with the air conditioner on as high as it will go aimed at my face, then I get to the office for my interview in my suit and tie and my head begins pouring sweat like something you might see in an old bugs bunny cartoon or someone who is running a marathon, in a matter of seconds my hair is soaking wet and streams of continuous sweat are running down my face and I’m trying to act nonchalant while answering interview questions.
It’s very embarrassing when it happens, I over heard one interviewer whisper to another coworker, “he looks like somebody with real health problems”, it can be very difficult to sell yourself on an interview short of saying, “I come equipped with my own rubber chair covers!”, it can be very difficult to live with at times. I’ve had my thyroid, heart and blood checked for everything and all tests came back very healthy.
I tried Xanax but it made me feel weird, plus I discovered how dangerous long term Xanax can be. I exercise regularly and eat a very healthy diet, I’m only in my mid-thirties but I have had this problem for more than twenty years and it has only gotten worse with age. When I make love to a woman her idea of safe sex is bringing an umbrella, I’m literally at the end of my robe but after googling awhile I found something called Hushed Sea Tea, I haven’t tried it yet and I can’t find it at Whole Foods Market or, but I did find it at a website and plan to try it.
I hope my hair doesn’t fall out or anything I really want falls off, if anyone else has tried this tea or wants to share their experience please do. The only things that kind of helps is really cold weather like 10 to 20 degrees but I can only stand that for so long until I’m forced to go back inside where I begin sweating profusely again, I don’t want surgery I’ve heard to many nightmare experiences from that, please, does anyone have a cure or treatment that has worked for them, head sweating specifically.
gm says
I have been dealing with sweaty palms and feet since a young age. At times they get so bad they drip with sweat. Job interviews are terrible cause I have to shake the interviewers hand with sweaty palms. I can’t wear sandals because my feet get so sweaty and then this causes my hands to sweat as well. I always have to wear shoes that I can wear socks with.
They even sweat when I am making love to my husband. It is very annoying, but don’t know what to do about it. Scared surgery will cause worst side effects. So I deal with it silently since only 1% of people deal with this most people don’t understand and just think you are nervous, but it sweats at all times.
Ron Reitz says
My fiance had the surgery done – it stopped the sweaty palms and now they crack because they are dry. Her face is dry, her hair has started to fall out, her stomach and back are now sweaty and she has no energy.
This was done about 8 years ago – I don’t recall where it was done.
Not sure if you know how to ‘reverse’ this by tying the nerves back in place or?
Thank you for any recommendations you can make.